Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Waning Days of the Brunk Adminigestion.



  1. No truer words have even been written in a blog. I commend you for your exquisite phrasing and grasp on the human condition we all refer to as "life in these times". You are the total package, warts and all. I sincerely believe that your time on this planet will be studied and examined with great detail, and still, not a single living soul will understand the depths and vast insight you have brought to all creatures. Thank you for making this world a place where butter and cream are delicious, for there are no substitutes for either. Rock on.

    1. Aww shucks! Everyone, all team members, team leaders, interns, support staff et al here at the Compound are deeply touched by your appreciation and endorsement.

      Please know that, come heck or a surfeit of uncontrollable fluid, we will wake up every day and go to bed every night with only one goal centermost in our medullas, and that is to provide the most revolutionary and insightful batch of pre-cooked and magnanimously pre-digested words, images and 'music' that we possibly can to make this world a place that someday at least one or two of us, you or them can feel proud to reside on, in, above or below, so help us Xod!

      Bwessings to you and yours!
