Monday, September 16, 2019

Speed Reading Test.

Upon completion, please post your results in the 
comments below. Once your standard deviance
has been calculated, you will be contacted via 
seemingly random events/people in your daily 
life. All that remains then is for you to register
with your local Police Authorities. We will take
it from there. Good Luck!



  1. I have completed the speed reading test portion of this blog. While I began with the words on the left moving my eyes to the words on the right, I found greater speed attained reading from top to bottom. The test was successfully completed in 43.2 seconds. Please advise if this is within the parameters you have set. A complete translation of the test text will be made available to you, if you require proof of my abilities... which I'm certain you do not. Thank you for this great opportunity. Keep all knowledge on the down-low for your protection, and more importantly, mine.

    1. Please kind Sir or Madam, allow me (the Proprietor of this blog) to beseech and beg you for whatever forgiveness it may be in your heart to offer, for this absurdly tardy response to your participation in the Speed Reading Test. In my defense, it was alleged by the owners of this platform (Google AKA Alphabet) that they would notify me via Gmail of any comment, and manifestly, they DID NOT!! Now it would appear that I will have to manually search all one hundred and thirty-three posts to determine if any other noble soul has had the cojones to comment. To be honest, with no hit-counter and no (until now) comments (as far as I know presently) I'm quite unsure if anyone might be sampling this blog at all. Several my actual friends and acquaintances in effect refuse to look at it. They 'have no time'. HA! If ever you may be in or near NYC, I'd be honored to buy you a cup of coffee, herbal tea, bone broth or artisinal waffle batter to make amends for this shameful tardiness. If not, don't hesitate to contact the Proprietor at mroper323(at)gmail(dot)com for whatever consultation may be appropriate.

      Thank you and good night.
