Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Uncle Jerdy's Affections.

The final instantiation of our de-stabilized edge-aligning cramp segment.
If ever anyone could be sent away, the person with whom I endured a chance meeting at the end of February is a prime candidate. The affections that would have been bestowed by my charming Uncle Jerdy could never have amounted to a required limiting factor without fanfare or solid treatment plan. 

Our new set-up.You like?
It's a fear thing, a clear and pleasant dangling option which is said to inflict a real damaging level of heat on our basic notions of calmness under the pressure it fails to whip up. In what central corral are our feelings to be restricted for the benefit of a truly powerful segment of the remaining population at war with itself over trivial notions of their cause's correct interpretation? 

Uncle Jerdy's estranged half step nephew-in-law Ozvaldo
Perkins, a kingpin on the Akron, Ohio goth scene of the late
'90s. Approach with extreme caution. You have been warned.
Yes, it's anyone's guess, but the estimate from this expert is reduced to a nodding acquaintance with the facts on the ground that limit our initial inquiry. Over the last forty-five years we have endured what some have (mistakenly) called a 'dreaded interval', one that, to our knowledge, has escaped  the notice of the trickiest set of individuals to make decisions of consequence on behalf of an electorate enfeebled by a never-ending supply of boots in the crowd.

Our mascot (above) has been terminated for cause.

The panel, which grows by an astounding thirty-one members per annum, is merely the (not) delightful prologue to a campaign of lies and subversion in our very midst. The prevailing mindset requires all doubt to be shredded and a weeping tall person is not to be torn asunder without cause. This we can promise. The self-regard, however, is deceiving and our limit is not long to be traduced, incoming officers' pithy (and dated) sayings to the contrary notwithstanding.

Is some person likely to take the time to have some? A guest is in the wind and they will show you their mended toll, but need one you don't and have three you will, not for lack of typing skills, or so we have been assured. It's getting chilly and my ranked voting statement is due before nightfall. We were afraid that you might not yet care but that's a losing strategy. Please give in; it will do you good.


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