Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Desert of Foam.

Awaiting entrance to my portico.

The pair, one proffering a sketch, the other whispering 
about a micro-nutrient handle, have had an outsize in-
fluence on affairs of units under my purview. Even so, 
here they stand awaiting entry to my portico, always 
a risky proposition at the best of tones. Nonetheless 
demur I will and allow their malign influence to accel-
erate in the plus-size moment of this precious interval 
since the standing I once enjoyed, having been frozen 
out of the enactment of grand toothless gestures, is on 
the wane and my influence is seeping into 
a garage of little note.

There's something in the air.
But why is it that any grief-stricken functionary, myself being the prime example, would cater to the grinning pair and play dubious host to a string of fashionable dictators even while the no-show in charge greets each day in his pre-toweled myopia for all to see without putting face or frothing patterns at risk? The answer, we fear, is merely a prelude to an ever more pliable eunuch, who stabilizes each and every last patsified trance schedule until, at a moment of no one's choosing, a blame game of nauseatingly epic proportions ensues, the likes of which will prove an embarrassment at scattered mealtimes in a desert of foam.

How would this strike you?
It's the last ride taken that we fear. Our hands leap to fabric when no one is wasting away in the silence of bread. The mound of unused but perfected utensils grows ever less impressive and the paid lackey we once abused (only in jest) has turned a rusty jar into a path of redemption which few doubt will lead the way to the Future of Salt, never predicted but always foreseen in the dreams of escaped runaways in my local area. Point taken and now soldiers frown. Our basic emblem is at risk but the hall you scout is a dead giveaway. Try to cave, since, 'breaking the heft' is a term of art reserved the naive kernals who brief Jerry Mathers at midnight in the rain, without a longterm plan. Please end.  


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