Monday, July 15, 2024

A Waiting Game; In Earnest This Time.


She will wait for them to return with it from a 'bad' part of town. Despite what some wish to believe, her father has a stereotyped way of walking that once in a while puts a great many bystanders at ease. 

It's about time too, because all that anyone feels like discussing is how novel the approaching atmosphere feels, at least to those whose lives have taken a turn upward. But the gem that will be saved from an imminent dissolution is barely a rumor to the kind of smarty pants office clones whose lunch we will have when all is said and done.

The small room in which she waits is a new one to her. Even though she remembers giving birth there, the memory is roundly false since it's a known fact that the room was only constructed after her oldest son turned five which was, if I'm being honest, in the neighborhood of sixty five years ago. In any event, she likes to rustle papers while she waits. It gives her a feeling of usefulness. Not to mention it's a good way to pass the time away from the TV. She likes to worry that her favorite show will be canceled. There's a peculiar zest to the schedule of worrying she's adopted, as if certain moments have a legitimate importance. Why does she handle domestic items only while wearing latex gloves? Again, it's all about an emotional valence. She just can't get enough. They plough her minimally, though. Why? They tell her it's for the good of the entire grouping of folks. They've had it.

Now you think you know, but do you really? I'd be happy to arrange for something that has knots in it to be placed somewhere inside an office park. That way you can feel it folding in upon you and you

won't get scared, at least not before the night turns.

So when they do finally return, they do so in way that's said to be empty-handed, thus encouraging a disappointment in this matron of a certain age. Among the many armchairs she's destroyed in her golden years is one that I'm sure you've seen before I decided to entertain a newfound interest in Gnosticism. You can see that what appears to be a small crank in the rear is genuinely fake. It helps to keep people alert. They'll need it in the coming panic. Now, as never before, some objects will not go quietly, or at all. Which is why I don't think she'll mind. Just please remember to bring all your receipts. That way it won't look 'sloppy' when certain uncomfortable questions are asked. The clipboards too. That'll get 'em every time. Watch out. The males tend to be more dangerous.


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