Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Few Words on the Ever Elusive Seyontallee.

The Seyontallee, which is burnished, and the color of a gulfen flask, admits of no person's idle speculation. But when it comes to overage, we're all m-pits and Oxford rainwear. I keep my personal standards perpetually adjusted in case of explosions which go unexplained. The compact gray tube remains a favorite when our lids require a silly peckering. In yet another case of mistaken wordage, we find that a community under siege puts up one hell of a fight when their ethics go unquestioned into that good night. But over and above any person's feeling of inceptive extrusion, we like to promise that any hill to die on is one worth fighting against if a common beast lacks even the smallest tumor. By miles, you say? Don't.

If all goes 'whiff', and the truechord shuffle is recorded for the grandkids, then I'll consider my work all but complete. The way they look through the final cracks would take your breath in a novel direction. The common fault with our sense of being is what blocks a successful enactment of stealth in our partner's vacant former room. They love to wheel around without complaint, until one day a question needs asking and a certain someone is buttonholed on his way out of an intrusive door-cam. Think what you will, but if any of your stuff ends up in a garage down the street, then you will have richly earned the promotion for which you almost came undone on the inside. I'd bet my life on it.

But now, if we observe extra closely, the Seyontallee betrays the tiniest loam of moisture and each of our miniaturized bodies seems newly appropriate during an evening of traditional mist. I've bantered with the worst of them and still it comes-a-cropper. Now when I chainmail an embossed dishrag to one of the phlebotic Sultans of a, quite frankly, innocuous 'stan', I can groan in my soup but still not utter the secret word that will render us safe from incipient conflagration. I dread meeting the reigning Queen of Sherpas even though I admire the trust she wields throughout the dogmire. It will help us if we pester a League official on his very own letterhead. Only then will we get back in tune with the more obvious facts which leave us heckless but with superb prizes. Is that you, Chip?



  1. My, oh, my! You have certainly outdone yourself this time. I think you could become a famous speech writer for the RNC for their upcoming convention in Jacksonville next month. All the MAGAts would pretend to understand DJT when he speaks your words..THEN...they would all join hands, spread the virus and chant "4 MORE YEARS" before they drink the kool-aid and POOF...vanish into thin air as the winds of the expected (I hope) hurricane wafts them away into the eye, never to be seen or heard from again. This is my wish. Make it happen. I wonder if they realize that August is the most active hurricane time in FL. Maybe they planned it that way?

    1. You know, it's funny you should mention that, because the plain unvarnished truth is that I AM indeed on the 'short list'. A lot of people can't help blurting out that the Republican National Committee in general and the Trump campaign more specifically are among the biggest fans of my work. All the liberals, excluding yourself, deserted me a very long time ago.

      And if my writing helps Dear Leader achieve re-election, I'm still looking for a 'do-nothing' Cabinet appointment, or Secretary of the Army at the very least. Wish me luck!

    2. I think Secretary of Education is more "up your alley". Since the convention/rally/virus spreader/waste of $ event has been canceled I have to say that you missed your opportunity to be one of the "movers and shakers" in the GOP. That being said, as much as I love and admire you, I would slit my throat before casting my vote for any Republican demon...of course you would only be there to "put things right" and to do your best to ease my pain in the event he wins re-election. It would take much stroking and massaging to mitigate my distress, but I would take $500k... that might make me forget the whole mess and I could dive into hiring someone to redo my bathrooms, rip out the carpeting, install awesome flooring and bring this place up to my standards until 2024 :)

    3. Sure, I think I can come up with $500K. Would you prefer cash or a cashier's check. And yes, I'd be willing to accept Secretary of Education, or indeed anything else, as long as I don't have to actually DO any real work. After all, I'm retired, for Christ's sake!
