Thursday, September 17, 2020

An Ultra-Serious Proposal.


Would you like to meet a person I'm thinking of? In real life, I mean, not the other way. You get the picture. Okay, sure. So, it's known that she teaches Professional Studies at an alternative high school in the Adirondacks. Her favorite singer is Jennifer Lopez Mantilla. It turns out that she's lived in a house for about a year. Before that she stuck to herself and made do with half a laundry room in a clinic some distance from here. By the way, just so you know, I still haven't met her yet. I just go by reports I get from contacts I've cultivated since I was mustered out in the late '90s. It's still good for a laugh once in a while.

I'm hoping that you could write me a letter. I don't mean the kind you put in a mail box. I mean the other kind. You'll get used to it soon. Some people have all the luck. The others like to hide their feelings behind an insincere way of holding their heads when they would otherwise be diligently involved in trying to make existence more bearable for a chosen few. Chosen by who, though? You could begin by talking straight through to the following day. We'll knock off at three. That should give you time to make amends to my girlfriend. She's starting to get upset by the way you look at her while I'm trying to think of something innocuous to say to help the time pass more efficiently. They pay me to do that, you know? No? Well, please get used to it, because nothing is apt to change now that we've gotten started in earnest. Thank you. 

Anyway, so you asked if I was due to sign a paper that could get you a 'full-up', right? Well, here's the thing: while I was stuck with some of the people who I thought could help you, the other ones, the ones who left early I mean, told me that my jacket had already been taken by that guy you warned me about. You said he was a 'tough customer'. You were right. My bad. But, you know what? I blame you anyway. And you know what else? So do most of the folks I talk to on a daily basis. They like to joke about your hair. I tell them, 'Don't go there, girlfriend'. They look at me like I've popped a gizzard and then stand back while I demonstrate one of my techniques.

Generally after that I don't hear shit from them for the rest of the afternoon. By which time I've resettled my family in one of the not-so-temporary camps. It's run by the Department of Arts and Leisure. They've got a guy there who sometimes engages in an activity . You should see it. However, a lot of stuff will go easier if you don't. See it, I mean. Do you find that I'm swaying you at all? Or is this whole enchilada just a waste of hot breath? Don't get me wrong. I do find you tremendously sexually captivating. It's just that I'm due for renewal soon, so I can't afford any 'wrong moves'. To be honest, I'd still be kind of concerned if I met you in a hallway half way around the world during a long drive. That's why I'm still casting about for a motive for an upcoming spree. You would too. Not that you asked.


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