The entirety of our payment was impounded for a failure to disappear on a whim. I had already boxed my Raskin and gone to play a short game of ball with some of the local fellows. The one who you've heard about has a case of preliminary trenchmouth and I'm devastated. Because of the place he held in our grouping, it's assumed that I'll be on airport duty for the rest of the night. If the people in my blockage can't see where I've hidden a large plastic matting, we will assume that all your silvery painted cords are apt to be deployed on a roster of evenhanded ruffians. They'll tell you some of their complaints but not give you time to surrender to a windy condition. Which is why we lack even the most basic ability to follow trends to their tragic endpoint. Try to get comfy. This can't be easy. They won't.

But if they do, you can ask for a moment to rely on a peculiar gentleman who lounges weekly in corduroy weejuns. It's thought that his only reason to keep a place in a busy segment is because he likes to hide his preferences behind an icy wall of stagflated countenances. They will seek assurance from him in the only way they know how: by scooping a dreaded mulvin from between the blades and coring it within an inch of his solid hat. It's made to stand up to undue pressure. Then we'll release it beneath our bedfellows' sheath and play like we've had something up to here (or there). Please try not to judge us by the way we motion to others in the dark. They can find it humiliating to observe you undulating in a provocative manner. The way that one thing explodes is lost on the rarest type of monad. If you search his effects, you won't find the least clue to his monstrous proclivities. That's because he keeps his business in the shadows where nothing grows evenly without bookish advice from a seldomly seen prankster. They will hold you with us. Now we go to bed. It is a scorchable index. Their slob is fried. Parents.
Your payment of $0.09 has been submitted for re-imbursement approval by the squad that handles these delicate matters. Should you require further information or clarification please do not contact anyone who might be able to answer your questions. The truth will become apparent when this is all over. Be patient, hang in there, don't sweat the small stuff, and by all means, wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and pray to the gods, as we previously discussed. We are in this together and it will all go away like a miracle if we stop testing so much and work on dismissing 2020 as a bad nightmare as we near a possible super outbreak of the thing that does not exist. Can I get an AMEN!
ReplyDelete転婆娘の笑顔、どれもこれも可愛いです! ... シャンシャン、シンシンの母娘の戯れは、ずう~と見ていたいですね ... ですね(笑)シンシンとシャンシャンの戯れ、ライブカメラでも見てましたが、本当に仲良しで癒されます^^ ... 上野お気をつけて(*ノ´∀`*)ノ ... 外にずっといられる季節に比べると力力の運動不足はかなりだと思うのですが、「筋力が衰える」とかないのでしょう
DeleteYou have been reported to DHS, FBI, NIA, CDC, CIA, DOJ, WHO, FDA, ATM, WHO, CAK, KKK, BLM, DOT, FDL, HOA, UNH, PHD, DDS, PPO, HMO, JMC, AAA, just to name a few. Stand by.
ReplyDeleteSorry to burst your alleged 'bubble', but I've reported myself so many frickin' times, that all your 'reporting' is strictly redundant. Not only that, I'm filing a thirty-five million dollar lawsuit against myself (for mental cruelty) in the Forty-First Circuit. And, in case you're unaware, they don't play around in that Circuit! Not by a long shot! I don't think I stand a chance against myself! Oh well...