There's a baby who lives only in my mind. It's common knowledge that he's a smart kid, but also not a little clumsy. When he's dressed in his striped pants and ceremonial longcoat, people go on to remark that he resembles someone in a foreign film. I am asked to inform them that their opinions are of little moment. Characteristically, they'll invite me over for a bite later. If I'm not too full on the upside, I'll see if I can make do with amending my appointment calendar. Often more than a few callers to my show take a stab at disputing a bit of common sense which I've previously shared. They are dismissed with prejudice. But always with a smile, though.

Once the baby has become a larger person—too large even to be carried in one of the contemporary containers—someone suggests that we invest in a liner. Some are sound-proof, others only repel the more viscous species of liquids at our disposal. It will take several of the wise members of our Committee to determine which is best. Do we have any plans to visit a desert in the near future? Will alcohol come into play? Should anyone be interested in the long term effects of mild electric shocks? Anyone can tell you they know, but only the few with skin in the game are worth listening to. That's what some call 'folk wisdom'. Others just settle for snarling innocently before they sit down. I will take it upon myself to give them a tiny stick as a reminder. Next time they might think twice. If that's what it takes, so be it.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it curious that the baby's name hasn't come up yet? You see, there's a book of names on the shelf opposite to where I'm sitting right now. There are even small scraps of paper inserted in several of the pages. No one thinks I have the courage to look at it a second time. They tell me that it's obvious I'm trying to intimidate them. That couldn't be further. But (and this is a big BUT), the more they try to insinuate themselves in what should be a strictly private concern of myself, the Committee and our assistants, the more they're risking their inclusion in a gala occasion which is still in the planning stages, on the drawing board and subject to vainly insolent speculation. The box which I've brought is still sitting empty. But there IS a picture taped to the outside. That's the thing that you need to remember. You won't get far without it. Just sayin'.
Have you named the baby yet? It is extremely important to put a name or number to these things, otherwise it may cause psychological problems in the future, Not to mention the freaking "lack of identity" syndrome (LOIS) don't want to deal with that, believe me. No one will be equipped to assist you in trying to manage the repercussions that will inevitably occur. Trust me on this.
ReplyDeleteAre you trying to say I should name the baby who lives in my mind 'LOIS'? Excuse me, but the gender has already been clearly identified. If I take your quasi suggestion and name him LOIS, there's a good chance that he will have to deal with very deep issues, especially once he reaches high school. You remember how cruel wanton teens can be, no? If not, then why not take a course at your local extension? Maybe have a seance and reach out to the spirit of Dr Joyce Brothers.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, though. I still trust you even when your judgment shows signs of fraying in the passing wind. People are starting to look at themselves in an old mirror. Even if it's not cracked, things can start to get just a bit 'iffy'. Why do I say this? Just 'because', that's why.
Who would name their baby after his/her life-changing diagnosis? Oh yeah, YOU. Duh. Other possible names: COVID, AIDS, LUPUS, FLU, FEVER, AIDEE-AITCHDEE, OUGHT-ISM, U-TEE-I, SIR-OSIS, IBEE-ESS, CANSIR, LUKE-EMIA, or WALTER for a boy, IMOGENE for a girl. Good luck.