Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Truth Is Self-Evident.


This concerns one of the most daring persons around whom our circle gathers for nightly sessions of smothering affection amid war-torn afflatus. In his off moments, which, if one isn't too careful, can be observed at irregular intervals since autumnal brown is our nesting berb's native casing, he will sometimes absorb each and every prevailing sentiment and then go his own way, having seen the consequences long before. Yes, in fact, I will bring him a palette of wafers. More often than not, he will upbraid my common-law partner for acts of dubious currency. You see, it wasn't more than six or seven weeks prior to the end of our Service Agreement that he was observed rifling through some minor belongings of our future Accidental Infection Specialist. This caused not a few heads to roll in a way which raised hackles throughout the Line. And my own home-based inspection incident will never be the same again, if I can help it.

Jennifer Drake and Robert Gaufler believe that they will live to see the day when his downfall is close at hand. To that end, they make it their business to handle all outgoing fraudulent profiles and extract their own capricious tribute in a way which marks them as golden in truth and flaw. I see them tarry innocently and then turn and face the ever present device. They then deliver a blistering encomium to those who documented a tragic episode in the not-too-distant past. I live not less than a mile from where they were found unconscious but unhurt in a favorite dissociative stream bed. By the time nightfall made its unsurprising appearance, all traces of their wanton activities had been cleared for delivery to the medical examiner. I escorted some unhinged war profiteers while they performed the due diligence as per US Code 25-19.01a8. They have promised to handle my name very carefully in case I'm desirous of establishing title precedence for the meticulous weasels about whom nothing has been resolved. This will require the greatest lengths of gentle padding because anyone who expresses even the mildest certitude is sure to be handed a rough draft in place of a finished parapet. This is when almost anyone could think about jumping. Unfortunately, not all rescue sacks are created equal.

We live to create these bonds. The future of our children's lively palaver depends on it. I make a daily struggle to sit through yet another session of abortive badinage. When the truth comes to insert a claw, the maladies of our droning saints are put on viscous display. Not one of us can afford to be disappointed. Only a few will 'get through'. This will enable their spouses to collect a negligible fee. Outstanding careers are theirs for the taking. Some others notice that things are starting to seriously drip. Anyone else who's name fails to rhyme provocatively can expect a sealed offer in an unlikely box. This isn't about apparel. Only dames will get it. Tables but no chairs. Cancer.



  1. The pics, as always, are more amazing the longer I look at them. Trying to decipher, decode and detect all the little nuances and weird things within each. But you probably already know this as I am certain that you have the capability to see right through me and everything I do while I'm perusing your posts. There is no such thing as privacy anymore, but I am OK with that as long as it doesn't interfere with the good of Woman. That being said, and all in all, and without further ado, the music plays on and on for everyone's benefit. Don't you think? On another note...I found my meditation spot - in the evening, I walk down to the river, sit on a bench and listen to the tide come in. Peaceful and calm, easy to regroup all inner thoughts, banish the bad ones to the depths of the river, let the good thoughts float effortlessly. We live another day.

    1. First, thanks for taking a look! You're probably the only one who does. (By the way, if you're reading this and are not, in fact, the person to whom I'm replying, please prove me wrong by posting a comment once in a while!) And thanks as well for looking CLOSELY! Even more 'secret' messages are in the writing. Don't miss out!

      Yes of course all your activities are under surveillance 24/7/365, primarily via the microscopic devices I've had installed within you and without you. All of us here at HQ fully approve of all of your various activities, especially including your new found meditation spot. Victory is ours!
