Thursday, October 28, 2021

There's Just No Other Way to Put This!


I walked through a town yesterday. Before that, my wife offered both myself and my bodyguard a sip of water. Even though the day was kind of warm, we felt that refusing the offer could possibly put things in a new light. The vestments which are usually inserted diagonally between the window frame and a heavy cardboard seating ratchet, on this day were nowhere to be found. So, we decided to follow on with our normal course of activity and looked through the windows of some of our neighbors' vehicles in the hope that something might turn up. I gave her five minutes to light a fire under my butt, all the while knowing full well that she was still  diligently working on her figure. You've got to hand it to a broad like that. The only thing is, I see no reason to involve myself in useless debates about the upcoming election. This can only lead one place but my shirt just isn't dry yet.

Now that one of us has been apprised of an apparently terminal report, I am giving myself five days to complete a Program. If anyone thinks that they would enjoy seeing us let our hair down, I can promise that any future disappointment will be balanced by a Summary Judgment in the Lucas Knowles affair. Some of us know that any time you raise your voice, all we can do is sit quietly in our room and play for time. When I make a hand-off in a parking facility after hours on a rainy Wednesday night, the least you could do is follow my lead and evacuate a tower very close to your residence and pray to God that no one shows up without a license. If there's one thing that people in my boat are painfully aware of, it's how many years it takes to build up a feeling of genuine good will in the community writ large. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to get into it with you. If you want a knock-down-drag-out, I'm just not your guy. Sorry.

Unless I've got my signals crossed, there will be a payment disguised as an in-kind offer. Each floor reveals its secrets on a case-by-case basis. An urn will occupy its pride of place at the center of the Atrium. My daughter, Jennifer Wilcox, should be home from school by the time we get started. I know that any kind of 'feel-good' remedy can only be revealed on the night of the 16th. After that, one of my oldest frauds is expected to exert its benign influence on foreign factions in Our Nation's Capital. They have promised me in an invisible recording that any molten substance not taking up space on the far side of our Activity Shed can be safely sloughed off in preparation for a damaged individual mounting a rostrum and inhaling from a vial of deracinated cough chips. By this time, I'll pull around in front and, if you can sneak in before a flotilla of evidence is unveiled, I'll see to it that your cape is given a master treatment in the Obelisk. Would you, or anyone else for that matter, have it any other way? (asking for a friend)


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