All four of us have been guaranteed a spot. Except for Jeremy, each has been given to understand that our diverse methods of operation have real-world consequences. It doesn't surprise me in the least to see them bail at the last minute. As ever, I'm left holding a suspicious package. It has my name all over it and now I'm due in town for a weekend seminar. There's a certain chair which I won't let go of no matter what. We've left a total of six people stranded at various points unknown even while I knocked myself out to provide a chewy concoction to keep arms at the ready should anyone get the better of a charming grifter from down the way. The only time I looked into a surgical solution was when a patently false allegation was bandied to and fro without any regard for the feelings of younger criminals the world over. What has anyone got to show for putting in their time in the Long Carabine?

No one ever stands still while I insert a wooden ruler into an Old Wisconsin Set and hope to be noticed in the throng outside the Police Station. I can tell by the way everyone avoids looking at my feet that trouble is brewing in Tinsel Town. Words were had and plans were made, but, before I could start searching in earnest, a barely implicit notification was made very real in the lives of millions of ingrates from coast to coast. I did my time in a call center. Those are years I'll never get back. But if one of the inchoate seamstresses who like to brawl in my absence are detained in an elementary school just a few blocks away, can I be blamed for trying to get involved in planning session or two? You have my word that I'm loving this as much as the next Average Joe, but when it comes to making myself scarce for random moments throughout the duration, I like to keep well insulated from a melee of judgmental peckerwoods. They've been charged more than once with damaging my 'special' hat. It's even rumored that they were put up to it by Ted Seibert. The only problem is, he's been dead since before my parents consolidated their bastion. This should provide at least some context as to why I love you so much.
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