Over our painful toes he would keep watch. Some would even call it a 'vigil'. So, yes, he'd keep a roughly nightly vigil over our toes waiting for some, or any, indication of movement. Later he would aver that what he was really watching for was a kind of 'sign'. Not the kind that you might see in a store window. No, the other kind. The kind that could make you think that one or another event is likely. At least in the interim, if not before.

And this went on for months. He would arrive at the oddest times. Times in which we could ill afford to be affable, bland, cooperative—even a little bit teed off! He'd come in wearing his special shirt. The one which helped him appear in a new light. We weren't fooled, though. Even though he'd renounced the religion of his debauched parents. The lineage is sealed. And with that went all the world's Gnostic pretensions. You can't have it both ways. They go up and they go down all over again; but they still won't seek their own level. Now we're in it for real. You can have one too if you'd like. Who's counting?

No one is about to blame a stranger for not condoning multiple felonies in the third degree. To the extent that I've managed to pull one over on the least among us, there won't be any tears when a hole appears as if out of nowhere. In case anyone is curious, it seems to be a slow-motion scorched earth policy in spades. A precious little hanky is all we have to show for our efforts at the misdirection of improbable elites. The minions can all go to Hell. I've got my sights on the big boys. They won't tell you, but I just did. It hurts like heck to say it but, how out of the ordinary does a situation have to get before everything gets backed up into a new iteration? You'd have thought that we said something awful. We became our own personal pin cushion, in a manner of speaking. Before I'm set to go inside someone's hut, there's a few things we need to get straight:- 'Drainage mode' will spread panic far and wide.
- A temple on a hill should be enough to leave our sponsors begging.
- Soporific tension can lift your average Waloon into a position of bastardized power. (and finally)
- What sense do you think it makes to take us into a show without access to a premium gondolum?
This is only the beginning. From here on you need to be on guard for leaks of sensitive particles. There isn't much time left. Be sure to attend our meeting tomorrow morning at 8:75 AM. Please bring a malleable, if cherished, object of scorn. Planet.
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