Sunday, June 30, 2019

Meinhold Device

A single-wrapped item smuggled underneath Wallis Trecksperth's solid under-coat appears without fanfare in the nave of St. Thomas' rectory without ceremony, but, with the notable exception of Julie Benwith, three out of five onlookers are fairly appalled for no discernible reason.

A peach and a globe of amber schist will not even once compete with the impressions made during no boring ceremony ever on the creeps and scofflaws who hang about, sometimes wrestling playfully as the string settles inwardly with the Ball of Doubt until a name is tried out and on and approaching success gives a slight feeling of vindication to a throbbing load of goo.

Contents of Box: [PARTIAL]

  • Meinhold Device

    • Brain-slat overmead
    • Weaponized cat dander
    • Enzyme overtone reader
    • Trip pills
    • The rest

    Saturday, June 29, 2019

    My Pony Was Named Phil

    The tune I remembered was only a faint wisp, a coughing undertow
    scented the person's oval brain and did not 'do a number' except after
    her recent release from the debilitating foreknowledge of a mild
    enfeeblement accompanied by a nun reciting the poetry of Oscar Wilde at midnight.

    My pony was named Phil and he never did not show a mild curiosity about where my day went. In the interrim she mentioned his habit of  never circling the last zero before straining to keep a vow and act calmly within the limits of good taste and equanimity.

    We might leave before the last of my potatoes becomes a mature adult in the boneyard sense, despite any elder's better judgment."Who calls you?", Juan asked after Liana's return from Sweden with a grip of swollen brambles under Mika's couch

    This calls for a rounding error and not one creepshot to please 'the Missus'. A bafflement in my day-old framer's hat with a patched seam, a breeze to fill a wearable hole with neither delight nor disgust, congruent with all due appropriateness. Thank you and 'not good-night'.

    This post has been sponsored by:

    Friday, June 28, 2019

    Bonnie Carlin's Face (not the one you think we mean)

    Only some of the parallels to Bonnie Carlin's 
    face will submit themselves to my intimate 
    inspection. The first one is nary a wisp. 
    It consists of two or more solid lines  
    separated by a viscous yellow film and 
    redolent of Thursdays in the park with 
    Nathan Jones and his corpulent friend 
    Jon P Wilmont. They appear to be no older 
    than nine or ten with the exception 
    of a rag in the hind end of a '53 Studebaker.

    I gathered her unto my bosom and stanched the bleeding 
    before anyone had a chance to compare my knees 
    to those of Joe Namath. It wasn't a good fit. 
    I had my pride and she had her OWN viscous yellow goo,
    .... in spades. Why is it always some mealy-mouthed cretin 
    who completes a sentence of three seconds 
    in a purgatory of one's own making? 
    It goes that way by preening in its own soup ,
    .. not even salivating like 'all get out'. 
    Do I have a crime to see yet over yonder way? 
    I don't think so, I'm afraid. Over and out,.-or- under and in. 
    Your move, oh trusted advisee... Until the last time.

    Thursday, June 27, 2019


    The old paint that scarred my bedroom door (which no longer exists) 
    reminds the people of Independent Holland, with a whisper not a shout, 
    of my deceased Saint Isabel cross hatch. It wasn't for nothing that all my 
    circling appropriateness is strangled in the sleep of Saints. What inside 
    knowledge will it require to loosen a seed from the inside with a pattern 
    of silk scarves and a motion not resembling scattering leaves of their gust 
    whore of Tidy Bowl Imperialism? You have my wind and she takes her lunch 
    out in the Old System's flaws and not one individual blinks to forward the 
    Hazelwitch panel. 

    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    Trichinosis Update

    Third Binko: Apto-Fendukis Trust

    The perkapsis betrays a steady upward clambering if,
    into that or this system of folding,
    resets and reveals a paper sized marker where,

    until the last time will sniff and sniff 
     without stealing any old carton-backed side.

    You are a poor young Kritu-Kratu 
    of her forlorned and misguided and mis-aligned 
    pungent deck-fog flavored insult. 

    What bake and why? 
    You don't know him.
    He nails it with gut-so. 

    It may only seem as if some apparent entity has indeed 'had' it.
    You would be mistaken. Thank you.

    Tuesday, June 25, 2019

    This Might Appear

    If you glance inappropriately 
    at this gentleman, please keep 
    your distance and contact your
    local 'person' forthwith. No one
    will be harmed without 

    One time a person I knew who went by the name of Mosder Filsmer tasked my riding instructor to invent a novel canning process. When I resigned from the firm my '65 Buick Electra 'gave up the ghost' and my wife, Marjorie Herkins, and our two daughters, Ersmefda and Dlerbiktar, had become stranded in Old Sarleytown, Indiana. An artist friend of mine inserted a cold dome-without-cecil to fit a transient caper to the fold of persons. Their own coupon entitled any soft person to one free piano lesson at the outset of fighting. Problem was, no one ever fought, they only exhibited mild disdain, if that. Who's kidding who? Not that one, not this one. One what?  

    Monday, June 24, 2019

    Genetic Modification Forecast: Initial Appraisal

    We got home before dark. (Only one of the two names on the paper in the envelope,
    did I recognize.) I had been informed earlier in the day by her physician that she
    suffered from hypothoxemia. This might explain a lot of things, but I'll
    save that for later. Who knew?

    It fell to me to organize this evening's crew. (By the way, you should be aware
    that this was still over two and a half weeks ago, now). Had I been lounging about
    in vain? The maps did indicate a location near the back door. This, by itself, was
    no excuse for the suffocating atmosphere.

    It seemed that her force had become 'puffy' but I wasn't about to risk
    another incident. The nodes were in line, so I went ahead with it.

    During my calls to Tony, Mark and Sinclair, my attention strayed to the spaces
    between 'things'. An off-color event appeared imminent. We were both full of
    trust, I'll admit. It was only when the very loud banging began,
    that I started to put it all together.

    You see, the lawyer had been buried not far from here. Yeah, and there was
    still that telltale coffee stain in the breakfast nook. It took at least
    fifteen minutes to locate the other lists.

    That's right: parts. And parts of parts. It scared both of us. We'd had our
    hands full just trying to poison the Mayor (and you know how that ended
    up!!). Everything is still louder than I would have ever imagined. Like I
    promised, I'm gonna hook you up with Lou. He says he's got a real 'cake'
    for you!! (Will you be back before I get up?)

    It's 2:00 AM, now. She'd been hiding in the backyard. When I found her,
    she kept mumbling about a face, always a face. It seemed to me I'd heard
    this before, but I had no idea where. Now it was my turn. We were both
    soaked and frozen. We scooped up her things and made our way back. Just in
    time to avoid weeping. To move her into the vestibule I used a winch. The
    calls would ALL be made, this I knew. It might seem that we could have avoided
    the whole thing or you could say I caved, but don't bet on it. I'm sorry, but it
    hurts. That, and the 'pus-on-the-shoulder' incident still rankle my brain. We
    both considered it a blessing when you returned the stolen articles, without ever
    being asked. Now you know the long and the short of it, minus a few details,
    which I'll fill in later. If you're still pissed we might try to work something out.
    It's your call. Be precious. Don't feint.


    Okay, that's it. You've reached the end,
    or really the beginning, chronologically
    speaking. Have you read every post? No?
    Then go back and read whatever you might
    have neglected to peruse. Yes? Congratulations!
    Now go back and read them all repeatedly until
    you've memorized all of it.

    Once you've memorized everything you'll be
    qualified to apply for a intern/trainee position
    and a limitless future awaits! Good luck!
