Now, it would be convenient if I said this was all a surprise, shocking even. But sadly, no. In the ensuing months as I looked the baleful cretin square in the eyes and stated my evolving dietary preferences, it became apparent that there would be neither respite nor rest, for now I was required by my religious convictions to commit one violent felony after another, without either surcease or compunction until I rid our neighborhood of unwanted
I don't know about yours, but in this State, if a person, secure in their knowledge of ontological primitives, were to so much as consider placing a planckture of bifurcated cheeves in a trove of desiccated tasklets, then that individual would be rendered unmovable, with color strips affixed to their nether side, like one too many old boys' broomstick excisions. And that's not a promise, it's a forgone duality thread. It should also be noted that we've come to fully trust your extended family, with the exception of your parents, siblings, children, grand children, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and in-laws. Your spouse is kind of a wreck as well. But hey, nobody's perfect, right?