There's a long time passenger of my Uncle's who everybody thinks—and says quite openly—is big for his size. Often trouble is at a minimum when he comes through during the week. But, if it's a Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday, people feel the need to post a notice in a nearby hallway to the effect that, anyone just passing through, no matter how innocently, can expect to have their movements recorded—analyzed even. To this day I still haven't figured out why this makes any sense. Say I was leafing through some papers and needed to relieve a sensation in my opening, would that lead to an armed response? Am I, or is anyone else for that matter, especially the aforementioned passenger, within our rights to be feeling more than a little concerned? It aches to have to prove yourself over and over for the benefit of the chosen few. They say it doesn't make them stronger. I say they're full of shit.

When I replace some of the parts in what passes for one of your larger devices, I can always count on getting stared at by someone who thinks that their convenience is one of my personal 'Ten Commandments'. What they don't get is that I've spent my whole life getting used to the mild burning sensation which most folks take for granted. What makes them think that I have the time to get them involved in an involuntary seating plan? In the end, there's no choice anyway. By the time they've been entered in my booklet, most of the air has been sucked clean out of the room, metaphorically speaking , of course. And if I have anything to say about it, no one is going to get bawled out for something they can't help. However, when people believe they've been cheated out of the best years of their lives and that partially chewed food has been distributed in their name, can anyone blame them for 'blowing a gasket'? No one thinks so. Not even me. Because, after all, I'm the guy who did it!
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