I took to teasing the woman who stood next to me in line at the Waffencourt Piladeys. In a roundabout way she reminded me of some of the younger members who used to stand guard while I disciplined one or two of the local pet creatures. The way she moved though, put me in mind of a clueless immigrant being newly positioned. I could tell that in her off-moments she liked to dance by herself in front of a dull, reflective appliance. You know the kind I mean, right? No? I mean the ones that seem to hum with their own sub-tonic frequencies. If no one else hears it, you just might think that a sanctioned visit to a person could be in your future. On the other hand, if you're just one part of a larger group, then resting easily with smug satisfaction could go on to become your 'lot in life'. I'll be sure to mention if 'boldness' becomes a virtual thing for me. As for the others, you have my distinct sympathy. Why risk it?

What I would do is, I'd move the fingers of my left hand quickly back and forth near her forehead without touching it. With my right hand I'd do patented strengthening exercises so that she'd believe that I was pretending to hypnotize an acquaintance in a nearby shelter. Once when I did that, she made it a point to shudder at just the wrong moment. It was wrong because I was forced to lose my composure and thus any chance to win her fleeting affections on a part-time basis, if that. I think anyone reading this should consider a career in militarized policing operations the world over. Because the one thing that I've never doubted is that the respect you earn is roughly equivalent to the time you spend in our Nation's breadbasket. If you've ever wondered about the origins of Danish Funnelcake, then I think we can finally see eye-to-eye.
Once I got her into my room back at the base, she claimed—falsely as it turned out—that I might have been involved in a junior penalty mixture. Also that there was a spot on my upper part that shined, which couldn't have been true because it was well covered over at that time, just in case. I looked at her like a spoiled child and gave her one last chance. It was now or never. Up until that time we'd never spoken, only had dinner in separate rooms. It was after our third visit to a seaside arena that she revealed her secret number. Are you ready? It was seven-hundred and sixty-four (925). This indicated that she had a truly soft personality. All I can say is, 'you could've fooled me!'
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