There are no voices in the wind. But there are voices in the sand. And, while I sit here, I can affirm that we were stalling for even more precious time. The hands would flap on tables which someone had so thoughtlessly provided. In any case, breathing became labored. We'd come this far, most of us, and turning our backs on a chosen grievance could no longer offer a respite from longing. I'm a simple person who naps when told to and who doesn't live more than five minutes into the future on any given day. Only the briefest gap between departure and arrival is known to raise serious concerns. These will be dealt with by consummate professionals the world over. Their decrepit shacks are reason enough (as if any were needed) to avoid the tabletop version of this gambit.

We engage the four-finger salute upon our exit from the breakfast nook as Day 3 slides into a well earned perfidy. All the plans in the world can mold us tightly into cramped servant quarters. But, what no one is telling you is how boring your demeanor is. They've been seen crossing between cottages when they were sure that everyone had left for the night. I stood guard with my buddy, Ike Stevens. He carried a baseball bat and I used a chemical spray. While I stood on a hilltop, he'd saunter into town and try to interest some of the locals in joining our secret club. When they asked him what was so 'secret' about it, he stalked off and assaulted a well liked lifeguard.

We played tapsies with some of the rogues who milled about in their nighties. My Dad had always scoffed at these well turned out mountebanks. He said they reminded him of the janitor at Fisk Academy. He (the janitor) would breed insignificant species on his day off. One time, though, when he was caught going behind our backs to make arrangements, no one had any doubt that he'd been starved for even rudimentary affection. This is why he was so startled when I offered to cast him in a future production. He'd play someone who was pining for an undeserved promotion when all around him people were being asked to invade outer space writ large. And for that he would bask in the opprobrium of a community on its last legs. No one thought twice when inquiring about a regional cancer scare. He feigned ignorance while trafficking phony reports. No one is afraid that this won't end well. Why? Because that's what they were told you wanted to hear, that's why. Now please.
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