Friday, August 2, 2019

Unknown Non-Arrival Numbers and You

What struck most of us who were there, was a small (about 3cm) blunt
object. The person in charge was behind it. That's why we couldn't
see if it was a 'man' or a 'woman'. Not that it would have mattered
anyway. We try to always follow our Deep Inner Knowingness. In this
case it led us to a mobbed up lawyer named Vinnie 'the Quince' De
Puntamelianovuggams Seawitch. He related youthful  camping experiences while we waited for drinks to be served. 

I snuck a glance at my watch and realized it was time to produce a specimen, as per my conditions of parole. I ducked into a side vestibule and began inserting the device. Time was precious because I didn't have
any. In any other year I would have taken this as an omen. But not this year. Not by a long shot. Hey, I'm not known as a 'gosh-darned so-and-so' for nothing.

I am one who is known to be a 'devotee' of the Precious Interval.
Between grasping for even the most paltry respect and allowing a
fetid sigh to escape my lips it's all I can do to maintain stability
within my 'family situation'. Is it exemplary of my customary pig-headedness that I refuse to lay down in the street for the right of qualified youth to lift the veil on the 'lying life'? The Graded
Control Segment is starting to seem like so much grim ballow, and the purse-consulting panty-waists who rule the roost are has-beens and never-weres who would cough on my bread if I didn't beat them

The picture you want is posted on a most-nasty Staff Board,... the rip you feel is off the scales in my book. Terrible crud. Trust and no one will seem any different than before, 'strut my guff, NOT walk the puff'. It's happening. Can you feel it yet? No, of course not. Just so poorly equipped.

 The pressure is just too great, and as a result I've had it up
to 'here'. It started not too long ago in a location hereinafter
referred to as 'narrow'. That is, it (the location) is notable for
its quality of being 'narrow'. Why did I mention this when there are so many other aspects to this thing? Is it because as a young person I was given to violent fits of timidity? Could it be due to developmental delays engendered by my Mom's glue-sniffing habit when she was pregnant with me? Be that as it may (and it WILL), there's only one choice that will not immediately involve the police. I will leave it to you to decide what that could be. 

In the meantime I must tell everyone about my new car. It's a Mask Z-9 with a 242 cu. in.manifold displacement differential and an aspect ratio of .23 over seven to the negative twelve power. The thrills that gush through my very veins when I drive around town are equaled only by the shame I feel while watching the 'news'. Where will it end? Who benefits? When do I get mine? Is it almost over? Will the Moon crash into the Sun at warp speed? Do I have the guts to tell my sister I'm in love with her? Why do my ears bleed at sunrise? Who will even begin to consider if these questions have knowable answers? 

As ever, we await your considered responses in the comment section. Thank you.

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