Monday, March 9, 2020

A New Directive For Culpable Members.

At the risk of having one or more of the new arrivals get the impression that they  might not be up to speed with the way things 'really are', it's important to point out that sometimes if the Jalondzer is set up to speak with an obviously fake foreign accent, some will come to the conclusion that it's for the purpose of calling attention to our woefully out of wack imflurgation ponticrefty. If this were either eight or sixteen years ago, then no one need have worried, but the station has been abandoned for, like, forever and the only persons getting any  younger are those who've arranged for their skin to be in the game but not of it. See where we're going here?

It's a mighty blood-sash that the woman downstairs has spent weeks refurbishing, and a car full of kids comes out bi-weekly to pretend to help out. This will be fine for a while but once the three inch diagonal is recovered, which is expected when a repeat policy is agreed upon by the majority of the stakeholders, we can wish all we want but that won't make it so. There's a group down there who seem furious (not naming any names here) to back out of the arrangement, having sold their remaining interest, but the documents don't add up; they also don't lie. Could anyone who hasn't seen them, please stand up? Good. Now, if you have had a little look-see, please move to the back of the room and as you do so fake cough at least four times. That should give us some idea if we're on the right track.

You see, there was a recording made during the fourth fake fire. Someone can be clearly heard chewing a piece of stale wood in an effort to deceive us into thinking that escape was not only possible but insolently desirable. The party who barked orders in the corn has a lot to answer for. We'll get to that later. For now let's move on to something that's causing a boat load of inescapably minor tenuousnesses.

The meal plan that goes into effect at midnight is designed to work out the kinks, but if anyone still has any questions they should hold them until open circuit is concluded. We're concerned about the living draft. A partial piece has been spotted in tatters with a splotch that's hard to explain. We'll do out best until then. After that a rime-similar unit (even if unfit) will be installed and that should do the trick. A doubt expressed more than once will drive certain members slightly crazy. Try to cool it. It's a grafting exercise but, quite frankly, it has some folks bordering on 'livid'. If a person who has raised three mint-perfect colliers and has sought grounding permission finds him- or herself persistently ablated, it's easy to mistake a piece of gauze for a non-interred edible winklet and coast to a derisive halt. A further action is expected once the vault is open and ready for business. Your green pure-tints will expire at dawn Thursday. After that you're liable for arrest. Oh, and one more thing: we can't help finding the way you chew to be kind of sexy. Sorry. 


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