Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Lakeside Pensioneers' Insidious Betrayal.

Of the remaining featherweight vernacular stealth partnerings, she finds herself proudest of the lad whose locally aided coat could count on a frozen shirt replacement. Would that we could ever mount a musical defense so gripping that four or more of the wounded offhand statistical dream plangents find themselves honoured in the breach of behind-the-team blood mixtures. Our only, for now, waning sense of delight ought to be located, with test-deficient scandrels, in a newly non-oxidized protein allotment to be scored bi-valent as soon as our grant achieves outmoded guest status and our blaze is tipped to one per solid cupping event.

If ever a scene called out for devengeancing the eventual winker of the well storied poon module, this would be it. Now that one of the rarefied tusk smellers has approached our third seated poltroon, it strikes us as cold beyond the habitually stated excuse that the antique plaque, abjured by all but a minuscule clique, should be raised to a standard heretofore unseen, but for the Lakeside pensioneers' insidious betrayal of cultish bondsmen, themselves never more unhappy than when an indistinct phrase interrupts their Gosh Complex shenanigans. To the extent that any impression was conveyed that we approve of a vain effort to undermine efficiency goals while smearing the sacrosanct midgets who confound our much defended density, the fabled line is drawn here, in imitation gopher's blood, with a shirk-ready pencil at hand and a non-intuitive nascent groan in reserve.

But to a self it's been our distinct pleasure to forget having ever known, there appears to be a clearing up ahead. The vehicle impounded by my non-binary subordinate's kleptocratic secondary stepson seems to have been sinking in a mire of his own making, more to the swill of feeling a brain in a vestibular park of some renown. Why does it go this way? you ask. The answer, I'm afraid, is sculpted in the wind of a previous generation's idea of a loaded tricky pin. 


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