Friday, April 3, 2020

An Explicit Re-Framing of a Non-Ordinary Jeremiad.



  1. Escape-ism-ish @ its finest. Or Finnish. Or finish. Or fin-ish. Hey have you heard about this pan-dum-ick thing that is causing people to wear gas masks and scuba gear to go grocery shopping? Not sure if I am still under the influence of the warm liquid you prescribed earlier or if I am still in this alternate reality the pundits talk about all day long. Wondering, is all.

    1. Excuse me, but it was LUKEWARM liquid not 'warm' liquid. Believe it or not this could make all the difference and explain why you may not be getting the desired results. Until then....

  2. I refuse to place anything in my mouth named LUKE, therefore, I opted for the next best option. I hope this explains my self-medicating of your prescribed order. You may want to advise me on perhaps an off-label alternative. Otherwise I will just pretend this never happened...

    1. Pretend all you want but hiding from the truth will only get you so far. But far is usually not far enough. 'So' there!
