By now I've entered the deepest cave. This is the one near the local Airbase, in case you're not familiar. When my daughters were young, they struggled with their spelling. I showed them a way to move their cards around so that the letters would line up to make memorization easier. Now that the littlest one is sitting in the State pen serving five to fifteen, I wonder if I should never have moved into a rough area. Things can get kind of tricky if you're looking for anal sex. I've had it easier than most, though. I can count on the fingers of one hand to help me hold a fork, if it comes to that. Not that I expect that it would, but, you know.... just sayin'...
In about the time it takes to hold a person responsible for their type of activities, a person is likely to try and escape the consequences of premature notions. Now that we all wear the same colored hats, we're all feeling more and more coordinated. It's always a risky move to prepare a special dinner. One of the risks is that no one will be around to actually eat it, not even the person who went to so much trouble. And then if you actually GET in trouble, you'll have to come up with a believable excuse—PRONTO! One of the ways to get around that is to carry a little sack attached to your belt. If you pretend that the sack contains mysterious particles, they'll be apt to leave you alone. But please don't go looking for handouts, okay? That could spell the end. Big time!