Saturday, May 2, 2020

An Extremely Pompous Clarification.

If I was capable of peering into the small opening in the moments before surrendering my shoes, I didn't let on, at least not at first. Meanwhile the gray enclosure seemed almost 'homey' initially, but in the end I learned to know better. It is always preferred that I try to not get ahead of myself, because appropriating a tone of rank familiarity could provide just the excuse a malign provider needs to mount a last minute false rescue while those in newer groups have had no time to feign forgetfulness. It seems to render them officially 'clueless' when the die is cast and prohibitive enactments force a person of modest means into the hitherto barely understood metaphorical 'defensive crouch' to breach the harmlessness of fading novelty in drab winter attire.

What strains the credulity of all who have gathered in my pleasantly optimized space, is the time that is normally required to fix a vein to receive a stabilized falcon's beak, powderized this time for ease of use. Now though, the strict undulation inspires a marvelously hidebound attrition in those seeking a nose-replacement regimen, unless their individual gifts render it all but immune to the telltale signs of a magnificent denial. The questions are to be answered in pairs, based on vowel frequency, loss of mass and a certain tightening of reliability standards in our ongoing partner-perfect imbroglios.

The case of 'Our Little Brenda' induces a path-shattering reluctance to grasp the basics of nostalgic primpings while going the distance in each and every short term hypectiture of flaking dermal verzoth-sheaths. It will accrue to the bountiful pleasure of the slippage team to release impervious lengths of nano-threads into the community supply of culpable pastry mounds. The other mounds—the ones we've shown you—are not to be touched without standard protective gear. If anyone is heard suggesting, via diminishing vocalization tribunals,  that our strongest placement is a mere preliminary gnostrum to a more general folding exercise, they should be called immediately to surrender their official false name and be escorted into a perimeter of vague forcelessness, lest they forget what brought them here, and why—most of all WHY!


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