Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Time for Speculating is Over!

In the smallest of the openings I heard myself singing. The voice though, was one that I only remember hearing in the time before my Father learned to swim. Otherwise certain plans were thought to have been abandoned. On a piece of paper now fashioned to resemble a plantard-hook, each seized item was described in a detail greater than necessary. As a word is given, a gem is deposited; now my hand accepts intimations of a looming pall. Through the appearance of a gray field, the wife of gravity-writ-large pleads with an inconsolate soldier to ice a finer person than she or her habitually tardy viscount can  any longer countenance.

As the openings assume a greater place in our peasant intrigue, the one thing that is never foretold is how our impressions are modulated to an outer framework which appears solid but is really filled with the type of ice that repels static at height. I am told by those who have already exited that, as the breath elongates, each focused ideogram will be one to dodge if the story is to become itself not complicit in the opening of the Slenge. I inform them that each time I have given the threat to drain a willing protemptor, my range of failings no longer delimits the optimism of which I have become duly afraid.

Now as  I leak any and all foreign legislative treasons into a watery balm of saturated knowing grintonelles, I find that my place in the executive moulding spore is disappearing even as those that I eat are freshly plaited with a marsh-bound triculate for additional winning. They give us our own plan. It's up to those on the outside to deliver an effort to lift without being willing to love each harmonized person into an obdurate non-compliance. They will be held as vicious and quite possibly deaf as nails. This is where my fire-light will obscure a gently gradated pilgrim. Only the people of our Valley need to demonstrate a facility with novel fingerings to avoid the type of pressure which spelled our doom in the final passage. One last question: Where do I sign? 


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