Saturday, June 20, 2020

For Eyes Only.

The selling of our vanishing plate has now been approved. At one time it held a lime-green item and not even one bracket would ever have been required. We made sure of that. The approval came in a line-item just after dawn on the twelfth. Even before that though, some of the people we bought over indicated that doubts were present in their very minds, however much they may have gone on later to deny any such thing. The group, which contained a set of twin cousins, has continued to maintain a standard of candor, without which a clarifying 'talking-to' would have been strictly out of the question.

The funds which we anticipate to recover from the sale are earmarked in perpetuity. Even with a small portion of 'wiggle room', this has put a panoply of projects on indefinite hold. The stationery upon which are written the numbers hold our attention on a nearly nightly basis. Because of that, any activities involving the ingestion of substances are seen to be risky in the extreme. I will grant you permission to begin to conduct meetings in my stead while I cast about for potential alternatives in the lifestyle department. It's very disappointing to some in our field that my hairline is officially finished. If that's added to a congenitally weak chin, it can be observed by any fairminded person that a certain someone has his or her work cut out for him or her or it.

Now that we are pleased concerning the scope of our progress, we will insist that all subentries be returned within a highly comfortable washable puff. Without exaggeration, most of us are gripped on some days by an urge to master a crowd inside a limited chamber. Fundraisers sometimes compete with hidden forces for our immediate attention. Where is it written that a medium-sized pill would be enough to allow a fluid to pass undetected through a gate only recently installed with minimal assurances? If you could have it out during this time of crisis, do you think that would make you more coöperative? Your continued existence depends on your willingness to answer truthfully. Whatever you do, don't fuck this up. 


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