Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Unusual Contingencies Which Led To My Appointment to the Restabilization Campaign.

There are some who wouldn't think twice about blaming me outright. And there are at least a few others who would actually accompany me into one of the tubes. The one I'm thinking of—and he has the hands to prove it—sometimes makes a deadly comment before I've even had time to remove my sweater. One night, after he entered the lounge area, he saw where I kept my extra skins and helped himself at length. I told him I wouldn't be but a minute and snuck out to find a napkin in which to hold my teething blade. When I got back I discovered that he'd leaked isolated water into my converter box. Sometime around midnight I approached his lawyer near the second hole. I handed him my Official Notice and became aware as I did so that he was sporting sort of an ambiguous antagonism. Within minutes I knew I had him by the balls! Score: me 1, him zero.

By the next day things started to sort themselves out, or so I thought until I heard my name called out near a service road at the Old Branchway Bridge Exit. When I asked whose concern it was anyway, I was told to 'pipe down'. The next year, after I launched her singing career in a series of false starts that left me with a telltale stain on my left instep, I became an Honorary Associate of the Restabilization Campaign. I was presented with a diagram of an office which I would one day place in a folder marked 'to be continued'. After lunch I doused her antiquated shawl with pine-scented benzene in an effort to remove the remaining flecks of dried gopher blood. My career in Abstract Expressionism was, quite frankly, in the toilet. I found it difficult to chew in the pre-dawn hours but I still believed in my original vision.

After Tube 4 had been closed permanently, the Committee decided that I would no longer be allowed to hum softly while the men were dissolving clearances within the migrontic light. That suited me just fine as I was now old enough to sew my own patches onto whatever relief pattern suited me. This was when I learned the value of true friendship. Because even though my only friend had gone missing while driving innocently through suburban Ontario, Delaware, I still kept a framed picture of her wallet secreted in a soba box underneath the stairs to the third floor servant's quarters. And I can tell you this: it gave me great comfort!


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