Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Can You See One?

In the time it took to stop raining, those of us who, more often than not, sleep on the other side of the wall had concocted a plan to reply to a series of fake phone calls with a masterstroke of our own devisement. It probably wouldn't be 'pretty', but its effectiveness could hardly be considered anything less than undeniable. When I was first on the inside, I approached the big lug who appeared to be in charge. He would routinely motion for us to start or stop eating, sleeping, urinating or defecating. Once in a while the signals got crossed and someone would use a stunning comestible as a head support contraption. When I reached him, he was standing, perched on a step ladder as he was, and asked if I could be excused to inspect a rare avian species that just happened to have made a home near a strip mall on the other side of the county. He gave me the go-ahead, so I switched cars and went beyond the others while they were still undergoing mindfulness based stress reduction. I thought they were kidding. Turns out I was wrong.

Now that I've been keeping company with Jerome Hollander and Lucius Benglom, I've begun to see a new side of the way nervous people can have a deleterious effect on teamwork and industrial bonhomie. Those two were the first to ever show me a gambit you can pull with a hankie to make people wonder if they've come in the right door. It will make them think that they've accidentally contributed to another episode of indoor flooding. And when one of their feet becomes stuck in a freshly appearing hole, everyone will begin writing notes to a person concerned with armed stock trades. They'd been giving us to a line of taperers and no one had thought to include some very vulnerable students in our overflight regime. This could not go on much longer without those on another side being forced to trudge in a way that would make them, frankly, look kind of 'silly'. Who is it who said that again?

When my 'chill' reaction had been duly noted and thoroughly derided, I got it into my head that even if my leadership profile was to be inserted into a granulated husk with all the others, that would in no way help the stragglers under my purview. Their heads all gave off the odor of freshly mowed lawns even though their feet were still locked into a gesture of unnatural innocence. I knew that, if by nightfall, some ignorant Phalangist could be persuaded to unload a trunkful of catagenic disaster-ready pendasteters into a targeted colony instead of via the usual method, then every one of our 'old school' lectors could be made to fulfill any treatment codex we could ever imagine. What I'm saying is that they were fully ingested. Any residue just became fuel for a further onslaught. Now we keep all of our saved efforts in a neaping room at the Base. That way the strictures are guaranteed to plow our mueblar and no one will get trapped on the other side. Will you take a side? It works. But even before it starts to work, it definitely shows. Can you see one?


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