Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Most Folks Would Botch a Scheme Like This, But Not Yours Truly!

It is said by those who claim to know better that every person keeps, or should keep, one particular thing close at hand in a time similar to the one in which we now find ourselves. And even though those who spout this patent nonsense are reviled for their duplicitousness, they still command the respect of a substantial portion of our namby-pamby, if hooliganized, proletariat. I knew one once myself. It was shocking to me the lengths to which he would go to appear to be a paragon of good taste.

What happened was, I needed him to approach a woman I'd had my eye on since the prior Summer and induce her agreement to a series of veiled threats being monitored by some of our local people. Her usual tactic would be to get all up in his face but this time she played it cool. Too cool by half, if you ask me. For what it's worth, she was known to be a chronic loafer. She most definitely had a mind of her own, but I couldn't let that stop me from trying to engineer her short term indecision while I slipped a banned pamphlet onto a shelf in the library located near her apartment when I was sure no one was looking. I have to admit that this gave me a terrific erection.

As I drove east on County Road 37, I couldn't stop thinking of ways to inculcate a rigidified perspective in the few remaining olmers who stood in the way of my realization of a life long dream. I was viciously attacked for my previous adherence to 'old school' standards of pliancy and vain quiescence in front of a motley crew of six or seven flight attendants who'd enrolled in the Kai Fu workshop I held each Spring at the Y. They looked puzzled and one of them admitted to a pattern of spousal de-denturing before I took her hand and showed her a thing or two about life in a time of crisis. She tried to accompany me to a hockey game later in the year. I had no choice but to put a stop to it in the only way I know how. I arranged for her arrest in a bungled phony passport scheme set up by my brother Phil Wibner. I knew I could take it from there. So I did. But not before I went deaf in my left ear. Go figure.



  1. Holy macaroni, you've been a busy blog-meister. Do you wake up with all these thought-words or do you stay awake 24/7 until all the words leave your brain through your fingertips? Just when I really get "into" one segment I am transported to another "story" looking for the thread until I realize there is none. Or is there?

    1. Threads, threads everywhere! In the texts and titles and even the pictures, but most of all: your own mind!

      No, I certainly do not stay awake 24/7. More often than not, the opening sentence or phrase comes during heightened access to the subconscious while in a state of half awake/half asleep, (AKA a nap). After that it's improv all the way, followed by (often extensive) editing.

      I assure you, the meaning(s) of these pieces is already present in your own mind.

      In any event I thank you so much for taking the time to have a look. As far as I know you are the only person to do so. And if there's any other person(s) who ever peruse this blog, it would be much appreciated if you'd make your presence known via a comment of any length at all,...even one letter!

  2. What is a derplomat? I would look it up, but I don't feel like it today. I'm all about feelings today. Looking to find some. Favorite word today = HOOLIGANIZED! That's a good one :) Still trying to ID the "people" in the huge artwork. If I EVER see me in one of these I will sue you for all you're worth and then some. Just sayin'

    1. Only one of the faces you reference is (or was, more accurately, since he's dead a long time) an actual 'person'. That would be on the upper right, Swami Sivananda, the guru of the guru of the Yoga org with whom I was associated about 30 years ago.

      The face on the upper left is that of a gorilla. All the others are depictions of various Hindu deities, such as, Shiva, Krishna, Kali, Ram etc.. So now you know!
