The man who is on his way to a reckoning gives each of us plenty of space so that we won't be tempted to call him out. He negotiates corners on his own, even though this is the same man who had to be helped to open a common envelope just days before. Some have thought us hyper-critical. We label ourselves as merely prudent and proceed through our day without incident. Until, that is, the man, who falsely believes he is our mentor, removes a magenta curing poultice lengthwise from his rarely seen utility satchel and asks one of us the question that we've been dreading for years. There is no easy answer. But at the same time, your average person sees nothing wrong with coming and going if and when weather permits.

No one is too proud to admit that things weren't always like this. For example, if I thought it wise to approach a temporary officer in search of a modicum of reassurance, and even tried to sweeten the deal with a few choice cutlets, would anyone be surprised to learn that that very officer had, in the very recent past, tried to have my younger brother frozen out of consideration, especially when you take into account the lack of perfection on his part noticed by many of late? What I'm trying to say is that 'tough customer' doesn't even begin to do justice to what we have on our hands here.One of my friends has decided to assume a false name and dedicate a few minutes each day to scoping out random passengers, their tried and true associates and various hangers-on to be named later. When I got wind of this, I made sure to confine the man to a room constructed for this very purpose alone. Even though each of us had made it known through our attorney that no one would be permitted to mill about the entryway without the all-important activity bracelet, we hadn't taken into account the fate of stragglers late to the colloquy of our cause celebre. By the looks in their eyes, anyone could tell that they weren't long for this world. In general, they dressed the part, but even as they rotated in tandem as per-force, alone among all the others, I could distinctly remember their lack of resolve when the cheapness of life made itself common knowledge.

Now, however, we go for bike rides after dinner in contravention of a living agreement. It's just 'where we are' in life which inspires neighbors to line the streets and dispense nuggets of wisdom long thought to be waning through disuse. I readily admit to being a stickler for the kind of detail that could get someone called insensitive. And, if they're seen loitering near a race course and others seek to give the impression of being well buttoned up, then why is it anyone's business if they intend to file inappropriate paperwork? It's just one more in a series of clips. And we're doing our best to compile them before our boys hear the news. Fear is never an effective step-mother. Just sayin'...