Everyone is asking me about the talks I had with my future supervisor last weekend. This was to see if we could arrange for a space where we'd be able to hold a getting-to-know-you session. The girl's parents could bring in all the items that they believe were used. People would be free to come and go as they liked. However, if anybody so much as utters a 'peep', then it could be that we'd just call it quits for the night and cut our losses while we still had time. The one thing the supervisor said which I'll never forget, is that last remark of his which I have trouble squaring with the way we've always done things. Bill and Loni Carlsen are staying in my Mom's guest room. Loni is most often up by dawn, and Bill only comes through town two or three times in the average month. I'd say that since I first got to know them on March 14, 2006 at 3:16 PM, they've never seemed like the kind of people who would make you afraid to go outside and walk near a building at night. Until now, that is. You wouldn't believe how much guff I've had to put up with. And it's all because I choose to make it very publicly known that my relationship is something I'm very proud of.

No one has seen fit to stop my activities. People feel that there are 'control issues' (their word) involved in the effect that I have on folks in mid-life. Like it or not, no one is about to apologize for leafing through some out-of-date magazine while waiting on an oil change. It doesn't take much to staunch a flood of vile innuendo if you know exactly how much pressure to apply, the circumstances, the victims, their insurance coverage, medical conditions, psycho profiles and the like. The way these things usually proceed is that an interested party will wait near the Lakefront. I'll stay behind in the car and my brother-in-law will do all the talking. We know all the bus schedules by heart, so, if the voices seem altogether too low, I can slip into a row all the way in the back and that should give us time to perfect our trademark imitation vocal patterns. With that in mind, does anyone think it'd be too much to ask for a friend to come with us to help set up the stand? It also couldn't hurt if someone finds him to be somewhat attractive. His allegiances, though, remain a thoroughgoing mystery. And, to say that I've had my doubts, just wouldn't make me any more of a laughingstock than I already am! That's why I've asked the girl's parents to tightly grab my left arm if they're able to attend my upcoming release date.
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