Again and again and again we begin. Only this time we've got something quite possibly lingering at the four-quarter mark up one of our sleeves. If you ask me, this deserves to be looked into. And not only by one of your qualified experts. The person we're holding blameless is the one who, on more than one occasion, rubbed us the wrong way. Do you remember? This was when we stopped underneath an overhang because of possible contamination. No matter. This isn't about some kind of 'self improvement' factory. During that first Summer away from my family, I found that I was going about things in a way which some would pronounce 'ineffective'. Look, I'll take my lumps with the best of them, but, when it comes to keeping her priorities from overwhelming their pressure centers, I'm an old hand. Don't try telling that to one of the kids we've seen around here a lot lately. He likes to throw his weight around something awful. For my part, though, I just can't be bothered. It's not something I'd ever expect you to understand, though. What goes around comes around, am I right?

We like to arrange progressive encounters to lessen sensitivities by abstract portions. By the time it's one fifth of the way through the chute, all we usually have left is a miraculous coating. It's the one in your head which counts most in the estimation of the clients who've left us, however. To a person, they swear they've never met you before. No one here finds that remotely hard to believe. And that's because when you walk into a room, it's a fair bet that a personal breakdown is just around the corner. That's not to say that you haven't been given the lion's share of negative responsibilities. Far from it, in fact. I wouldn't be surprised if, on our return trip from the Civil War re-enactment, we hear a troubling rumor about your involvement in the Tracy Withers case. It's just been that kind of year, or, haven't you been paying attention? What you don't seem to want to accept is that this is for your own good. People who live in custom built homes shouldn't waste time lurking just out of reach. Children are very precious. Sometimes not even in a 'good' way.

Now that everything is on hold due to an unforeseen weather event, we've been stuck with two of the most outrageous medical frauds ever seen on my watch. Also, the smaller of the two devices has a crack 'this' big which shows no signs of being worth the effort to make things look as if they could end at just the right moment. At least two of my former colleagues have signed on to a phony cancer philanthropy to enhance their dating prospects. I used to spend a significant amount of time searching for possible forgeries in the long term parking facility they help administer through an oversight of their late Father. He's one of the few who I'd ever trust to summarize exo-planetary exploration in a future century. As for the Rector who helped him make his bones, you could take me to the cleaners, for all I care. A lot of folks around here claim that they've just about 'had it'. When the question arises, Had what?', the answer is always the same old 'You know.'. Look, I lived through four years of pure Hell in Vietnam, but that doesn't qualify me to cast aspersions on Senior Members of the Officer Corps. Far from it, in fact. Just for once, could someone help me obtain a position in a responsible firm? Normative order is never far from breaking out. But that 's just not going to help anyone make pardner anytime soon. See if I care. Then walk outside and look for something solid upon which to base your next series of restrictions. It can't hurt and it might possibly help. Why is that so difficult to understand? Please.
You are 100% correct, as usual. I put my faith in your able hands to guide me to divine redemption, or porcine dimension, or wine reduction, whichever happens first. The Second Coming, When Pigs Fly, French Chef Sauce Battle.
ReplyDeleteWhen I try to determine where things stand as of now, everything hits me at once and I'm at a loss about which direction would work out best in the long run. However, it seems clear that the only morsel which could possibly take effect before the twelfth is one that I will make it my business to bone up on in only the least obvious manner. Why are people concerned to get their money back? Someday they'll know the truth, and, you know what? I won't shred one measly stinkin' tear! So sue me! Really!
DeleteOh for Pete's freaking sake, get over it in due time will ya... Everything stands exactly where it stands at any given time. Why is that soooooooooooooooooooo difficult for mortal man to understand? Do we even care? I certainly don't, although I pretend that I do. Not that anyone would notice, and that is A-OK fine with me, all things being equal. Like that's so real, yeah right! I think things are starting to spiral out of control and no one knows where the "pause" button is located. I know where it is, of course, but I can't share that knowledge with anyone for obvious reasons. Life goes on and no one notices, life ends and no one notices. So what's the solution, you might ask (or not). The answer is staring you in the face, or in my case, my face. That's all there is to it. Simple. Plain & simple. I just flipped through my paperback copy of Roget's Thesaurus, stopped at a page and randomly pointed to a word ... the word is CURTAIL. Interesting word. That's the news for youse :)
DeleteWe've received word that some things have been moved. This may be all for the better. Why has it taken this long? Everyone has promised to never speak of this. Plans have changed. The head transplant has been postponed. My daughter is purchasing a used washer-dryer combo. We believe it's for the best. Please keep hydrated. There's just no such thing as being 'too careful by half' anymore. What's wrong with that? Nothing, if you ask me. But who would do that? Not anyone at all, that's who. Amen.