Tuesday, November 26, 2019

______A Tidy Tale to Extend___ ___Your Feeling of Comfort.___

The most bewitching series of Soundcraft berricles are placed before a sullen gent, still conveniently oval in his bearing, with a delicious breath-enabling insouciance, which can not possibly rival the Dutch hitting-team's nitrogen palm print in all but size of concept.

Through the window of a classic piece of San Movidéo rolling stock, I espy my favorite Kennedy T-shirt to date. Just a glance is all it takes and the flavors of my winning purse envelope a transitional post-Weinsteinian nullity and barely break my glance as in a three-dimensional wasted punctual tiding. Of furious, entitled bearing we shall not be accused, at least not without cause-to-alarm and a benefit-to-doom ratio not exceeding one point seven.

What if a ransom is pried from the cold, dead fingers of a corrugated fence salesperson and our delightfully overdrawn bench project was seen as a thing-in-itself while a resting heart rate entered a last uncanny valley with coats asunder? Then you'd thrill to the sound of one grand applause signal gone viral but not before we've drawn the attention of all directly functional steaming points of yuck.

The Wheat Foundation Gala, even when postponed, creates a non-ordinary payoff in the fictional world of Sandy Times characters whose bold decisive malevolence is something not to be taken lightly as to pen in mouth. The following month we will aim to stride forward openly declaring a shady purpose for all so see, even as a dissociated Proctor's evening wick enables a seething pine drip to give license with a thwack, not a thud. 

The Break of How, it can now be told, is just so much aprected nedule to flip my sanity bourse and hone a perfectly sacrosanct murder in the duty bound lustrous oxides currently in favor as hypester broken wire gimlets ram it home for good.

Anyone, anyone at all in fact, who will kneel in my corner and corrupt my fairer course, is hereby absolved of all duties to encrust the patriot-of-record in a dual citizenship award fright wig, as paltry as that sounds in light of the now solid after-action report which graces my desk at the Moon Bank Derby.

We can't tell you about these staircases without a pledge, in hide-bound dollar denominated pastry mints, to signal a wizened grief strategy even while a cup (in tandem with a rifled drawer) is presented with all due sentience, to my personal border guard, Eftensio Talon, father of none.

You've got a story. What is it? 


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