Sunday, November 14, 2021

Love Is In The Air!


Everyone is just so lovey-dovey around here! I can barely catch my breath for all the times I've had to move into another shelter by the lake. The water quality seems pure enough to the taste, but, once I've gone for more than four hours, it's only fair that I pull over and let some of the younger ones retrieve small baskets of sand-like material from the Roundhouse Pavilion. This has a good chance of keeping us up to our necks in age-old wisdom necklaces. Never a good thing to appear in a place with a serious mercury bomb problem. I've tried to teach them how to operate a low bandwidth application, while the other hand is held stationary as an incriminating picture is passed to and fro. One of us believes that it won't be for another two or three months before my kettledrum is fit for insertion into a foulmouthed charity scenario. I couldn't disagree more. In fact, I've made it my 'call to infamy' to lie in wait near one of the local war memorials just to see who might think it wise to unfurl non-ordinary bunting in the event of an impromptu all-clear signal from down the way.

My very first victim always made it a practice to skip junior varsity in favor of learning to operate a transition scope on the eve of our final announcement. I couldn't help but think twice when all our chefs had to do wasn't written in any book with which I have even the barest of foundational acquaintanceship. I still find it somewhat shocking that the 'girl of my dreams' turned out to be the butt of a joke which was making the rounds on the third shift. I certainly could consume my daily quotient of soft pellets, but, by the time my Dad took out the garbage most of the dry land had all but disappeared. He was never seen again. That was due to a boating accident which caused my premature blindness when I was in the second grade. If we can make sure the tips of the poles form a straight line on the barrelhead, then it's quite plain that anyone who remains underfunded can count on only one thing to keep them tied up in court for years. And, just who do you think is counting, anyway? Your cousin? Please! 


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