I've restricted myself to picking three out of a group of seven original path members to elevate beyond any expectation of internal deceit. They've seen their limit on the packing crew and now there's no alternative but to look through their things to find the one piece which could save us all a lot of time in the sack. On first appearance, each of them offers me the use of a time-tested mechanism for holding others to a secret, yet corentic, agreement. On second thought, it's plain that we'd all profit more from a short period of investigative clips, projected at maximum volume, to see if a director's cut made it through without any fuss at all. At the conclusion of my opening remarks, all but one stands inches away from a small pool of water by the side of a road in a park at the rear of a school shed of some note. I'd like to tell you that I still haven't been charged with anything, but that wouldn't be accurate.

Every time I call out one of the names I've been given, out of respect for the fallen, one of them will, at a crucial interval, wipe his or her eyes with a monogrammed hankie. I'm beginning to think that I need to have a 'little talk' with some of the younger people to get their input for the duration of the conflict. Some will say that I leaned over too far. Others will disturb a months-long silent retreat which began in the late 2010s. In any event, no one should ever doubt my resolve when it comes to jacking people around. It comes with the territory, but I'm not one to get my panties in a snit just to satisfy the cravings of a Junior Pantry Officer and his officious dimwit of an Executive Assistant, with all that implies.

When I notice an oily discharge coming my way at the direction of the one who always seemed to be my prime accomplice, it occurs to me that I still haven't asked my wife when we're expected at the club tonight—of all nights! Once I get to my feet, I'm just barely convinced that I've got some of the younger ones at my beck and call. This, however, doesn't ring true since it's far from certain that they're seasoned operators. I pick one at random and ask him quite bluntly if he would mind too terribly if I was extremely blunt. He takes to it like a fly on rice, spits in my eye and is out like a light. In the interim, it's very important that everyone be aware that I greatly enjoy posing in a very 'special' kind of light while attired in casual outfits. These are the kind of bums I have to deal with. They never get tired of yanking my chain to see what gives. And I never get tired of meeting them half way so that we can work this new bit into our routine. Is that so wrong or, am I just being petty? Please move over.
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