Sunday, July 28, 2019

Our Effort To 'Capture the High Ground'.

It has been calculated by our friend, Josh Edmonds, that the project shouldn't take beyond Wednesday at the earliest  in order to keep pace , as Team Darby requires. Hasn't it ever received notice  as per some token individual in the upstairs compartment, that by the bygone flap, the investigation we ordered might come to naught, even without our commanding presence in the life of the Great City Underneath (GCU)? Appalled as some were, should it ever become necessary to cut ties, then by all means, we shall not hesitate for nary a moment, as our obligations will be shattered by Owens' Weaponized Dust (OWD).

She tells one and all that 'it's a calling', and then flips her bangs subtly in a way calculated to instill fear in the prototypical uninvolved observer. It will still be a day when all is finished, too bold for a light jacket, but you may not, even now, release your spindly ass for inspection by our trusted partners. The involvement  is expected to grow, metastasize in a way, if 'measures' are not taken, approved and then finally discarded in a ditch in Fremont.

Were it ever the prerogative of the bland helpmates to which we've grown accustomed, then any old 'snag' would do, but for the oily residue which even now has a tendency to disfigure my open place in one of the three blisters I've told you about. Could you possibly inquire as to the Gem Opioid Touch Console installed over a person's objection, and despite a 'takings clause' to douse a flame by house?

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