Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Escapade?

You cannot hold the two pieces of string which will 
insure my silence while at the same time apportioning 
blame, not without an immoderate serving of bile paving 
the way toward a New Rational Pricing Era. A 'bang' 
for not more than 'one' buck amounts to a fitting treason 
at lump award time. But, even by the standards of 
Bud Collier, this night of trembling shall not amount to  
'a thing in itself' and be cast aside like so many piles afore it. 
And the table there? You know the one I mean?

If we should decide to 'not be like that', 
then on the day of that decision, while 
rising to inflate the false carton, then you, 
without either smiling or snarling, 
might attempt to whisper an unacknowledged 
answer to the question which begs to be forgotten. 

Please excuse me, but it's always a stamp 
of 'trying to', and not so eager in its way, 
the way she told me, but the face I destroyed 
gave it all away, a half-plaster reality 'seniorette' 
with a dual disc sentience to boot,... not that anyone 
should pretend to feel threatened, unless it somehow 
advantages their pseudo-position in the dank tribute 
parody assault window partition.  


'Stands to reason .....' 's what I'd say, if only
I were given to that sort of trailblazing escapade.

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