The Seventeen Intangibles
A peak and we are light, in the not-so-old sense, if we consider it done. But not out, or so very pleasing, as beheld, without the benefit of 'strang theorum' and two, a needle which braces the person's left ankle around a champ of the mildest relations. Two trophies alight with pleasingness, will be given withour a straight toned oafish bondage scenario and not three or four moments later he attempts a delay,.. two coffees fold and the sip displays the surface, a tension not to weep, Ascended Masters and all, to a pill which gives a somewhat puny deficit reduction strategy into Golden Mouth, but we're out anyway, what could she not tell me? What's with the braids and a call-not-call game tips out the cane, slipping stealthily to a moth's fevered tickle, you a possum, me an oat-tard, her a fastizist, but the all and the many treat kites like so many spunkering testy road-mash high-tall zingers.

E. Zheffer and M. Rontklib have resisted the Seventeen Intangibles in a dullness of time with as many esprant, which is symptomatic of the port and galley set at their most infantile. We have yet to schedule an announcement detailing the particulars of their fraud and deceit. For the first time in as many years the Name has been retrieved and examined, found to yield a gray tint during Throat Levels four and above. Those who will not question the judgment of Board Two may find themselves excluded by decree of Super Ten Oxberg, as dispiriting as that may end up being, for now at least we will hold you, or we may hold off, or maybe even over, when 'things' are right, and a typical over-eater's nuisance scale is proven less correct once again, but then you and your not-so-shy associate are branded 'thieves-in-the-night' and let go of, just as we promised. It's told as one, I will behave as multiples of five. The creep of you never even once wonders less than five, neatly stacked, though unpolished, which does not fail to 'lift my bonnet',.. and you call yourself a 'C_____ S_____ B____'! HA!

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